domingo, diciembre 10, 2006


Goldie es el nombre que su amo le ha puesto, al igual que las anillas y cadenas de oro que la unen al muro y a él. Lleva horas sentada, abandonada en el sótano, esperando que su señor baje a rescatarla y dulcemente le seque las lágrimas y no la castigue por haberse hecho pipí. Puede oir los gemidos de la mujer que está con él en el piso de arriba, los celos la consumen y le provocan un placer agridulce.

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Golden slave.

Goldie is the name that its master has put to her, the same as the rings and chains that marry her to the wall and him. It takes seated hours, abandoned in the basement, hoping their lord goes down to rescue her and sweetly, dry it yours tears, and doesn't punish her to have been made pee. She can hear the woman's wailing that is with him at the apartment, up. The jealousy wastes away it and they cause her a sweet and sour pleasure.

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viernes, diciembre 08, 2006

Vampira en rojo

Kira von Karstein, ultima descendiente de la sanguinaria saga, sigue los pasos de su antepasada Carmilla o Mircalla Von Karstein, aunque sus gustos lésbicos no son tan acusados... Y a los hombres no solo les sorbe la sangre de la garganta.
Deambula por clubes y antros, discos y afters, a la caza de presas sanas, vistosas y bien dotatas. No necesita tomar ni copas ni drogas, la sangre que bebe, está repleta de ellas.

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Vampira in red

Kira Von Karstein, finishes descending of the sanguinary saga, it follows its ancestor's steps Carmilla or Mircalla Von Karstein, although its lesbian’s taste are not so accused... And to the men, not alone it sucks them the blood of the throat.
Her strolls for clubs and holes, discos and afters, to the hunt of healthy, showy and very gifted preys. She doesn't need to take any drinks and drugs, the blood that her drinks, is full of them.

Click on the image to see it in another screen.